Saturday, November 26, 2011

Shubert Theatre, 225 W 44th St, NY, NY

If one experience in my life inspired me to advocate for the rights of the disabled, it was my trip to the Shubert Theatre in 2005.  At the time, I was still walking rather than riding a wheelchair, but stairs were a challenge, and I looked for the handicapped facilities wherever I went.  Imagine my shock when I read the sign at the Shubert saying that the handicapped accessible bathrooms are located ACROSS THE STREET at the iconic theater-district restaurant Sardi's.  Considering that in order to cross safely at a crosswalk (and that's important, because most handicapped people can't exactly dart across the street), you have to walk the half block to either 7th or 8th Avenue, then the half block on the other side, go into Sardi's, inform the host that you're only there to use the bathroom, take an elevator, use the facilities, then repeat the whole process in reverse, it seems to me that the Shubert people must know their plan is impossible to accomplish during a 15-minute intermission, but are passive-aggressively complying with the letter of the law (definitely not the spirit).  The whole theatre looks a little shabby, and I'm guessing they can't renovate, because if they did, they'd have to come into ADA compliance and become completely handicapped accessible.  I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that no show I really want to see ever plays there.

Oh, I got so involved with the bathroom situation I forgot to mention the seating.  The orchestra section is handicapped accessible, there is a special wheelchair section,  the mezzanine and balcony can only be reached by climbing (a lot of) steps.  So, if you were blessed with a three-hour bladder, you may be able to enjoy a show at this theater on the main floor.

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